9th Grade Retreat
The Freshman retreat takes place during the fall semester and is dedicated to helping students transform to high school life at Our Lady of Mercy. 9th graders are also provided the opportunity to bond and build unity with their peers whom they will pray and grow in faith with for the next 4 years.
12th Grade Retreat
Towards the end of the year, the senior class gathers together to reflect individually and communally on their years at Mercy. Students share their experiences, engage in team building activities, and pray together.
10th Grade Retreat
This retreat is intended to help sophomore students learn more about themselves and how to develop productive relationships with each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. During the day students participate in team building activities, group discussions and scripture sharing.
Each year, the student-led FLAME team hosts a retreat in the North Georgia mountains for Mercy! Team members lead prayers, group discussions, and talks on Christian identity, facing peer pressure, living out the Faith, and the power of Reconciliation. Additionally, they lead games and activities that promote community and team building that deepens their sense of the supportive family that is found at Our Lady of Mercy.
11th Grade Retreat
Every fall, Mercy's Junior class attends the Archdiocesan "11 Alive" Retreat at All Saints Catholic Church. This is a great opportunity for Mercy students to meet and pray with 11th graders from other Catholic schools in the Atlanta area. Students listen to speakers and participate in praise and worship.
Respect Life Ministry
We are a ministry that supports the right to life and dignity of every human person from conception to natural death. Our Catholic faith emboldens us to advocate for the unborn, to protect the elderly by seeking an to end euthanasia, to stand up for the rights of and serve the poor, the homeless, immigrants and refugees, victims of human trafficking among other ways to serve and protect all of God's children who are our neighbors. We seek to change hearts and minds with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ so that the value of human life is respected and cared for worldwide.