Resources and Links

EBSCO Databases (Login: ladymercy20 / Password: bobcats1!)


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Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop



QuestiaSchools Research Tutorials 

Using Questia 101  

EBSCO Database Scavenger Hunts 

Literary Reference Center Scavenger Hunt

Science Reference Center Scavenger Hunt 

Dependable Websites

American Memory -  Huge collection of digital Americana from the resources of the United States Library of Congress.
Apple -
BBC News  - Homepage of British Broadcasting Corporation's News Service.
Catholic Online -
Clark Howard -
Doug Johnson -  The webpages of a well respected school librarian and technologist.
Easy Bib (bibliography generator) - 
The New Georgia Encyclopedia -
Google -
How Stuff Works -
The Internet Public Library -
Microsoft -
Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection -
Project Gutenberg -
Turn It In -
United States Copyright Office -