Catholic schools are the single greatest ministry in the Catholic Church. St. Pope John Paul II
Welcome to Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School, a college preparatory school rooted in the Tradition of the Catholic Church. Our school’s sacred Mission transforms students by providing opportunities to excel as Christian leaders through rigorous academics, inclusive extracurricular programs, and Christ-centered activities.
Our Lady of Mercy offers a core curriculum designed to help students make the most of their academic talents, opportunities to excel on the field, on the stage, and through the many clubs and extracurricular activities which allow students to discover new interests, or further develop those they already enjoy. Our school’s motto, “Enlighten the mind, Inspire the soul, Strengthen the body,” captures the essence of what we accomplish collectively as a community of faith.
I sincerely hope that as you consider a high school for your sons and daughters, you will look carefully at all that Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School in the Archdiocese of Atlanta has to offer. As you explore our website, you will find information on those things which make Our Lady of Mercy Catholic High School the right choice for many families in South Atlanta, and learn about the exciting activities taking place at Mercy every day. We invite you to join our Mercy Catholic family.